
As September ends and October ushers in Fall... and big changes hit for my kids as an important mentor in their lives moves a couple states away... I find myself contemplating change. Change is inevitable. Undeniable. You can't run from it. You can't hide from it. It will happen... regardless of your readiness. Change.
Much has changed since my last blog entry. We no longer live on the farm where my kids grew from toddlerhood to near young adults; where birds and wildlife were right outside my door and trees hid the outside world. I miss this. Terribly. But... Change. We are in a nice home in a small town now, close to the kid's school and my work... another change. I am working more and going to school full time. My son will be 13 in a week. Big changes.
As inevitable as change is, there are some things that do not change. Love. God's love, my family's love and my love for my family. I have been blessed beyond measure with family and friends who love unconditionally and a powerful God who I can lean on when I feel weak. So... when my mama heart hurts because of change... when I feel restless because of change... when I fear the next big change, I curl up with God and the knowledge that I am loved (and... let's be honest... sometimes a good cry) and keep on keeping on.
** The photo is one of my favorites taken at The Farm. It was taken in late Summer as Fall was knocking at the door.