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And.... So it begins

Pink Tulips, Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival 4/14/2012

Pink Tulips ~ taken 4/14/2012

My first photo

So how did you get into photography?

I have heard this question multiple times and always answer with the easy "Well I've always liked photography. I worked in a portrait studio so thought I would try my hand at a little something different." While all that is true, it is really only half the answer. As with many facets in life, there are multiple layers to the answers....

It's just over 4 years ago now...

I started feeling kinda lost. Something was missing... part of me was missing. I loved being a parent. I loved working from home and being with my kiddos. I loved being a wife. But I had lost myself. I spent all my time conversing with kids, cleaning and taking care of others. I didn't just put myself on the bottom of my list of priorities, I didn't even make the list. I am sure many parents can relate. No matter how much you love your family... there often comes a point when you have focused so much on others and neglected yourself in the process, that you don't even know how to be anyone but a Mom, wife, caregiver. We forget that we are people too, with dreams, hobbies, likes and dislikes.... and by doing so we give unspoken permission for others to do the same. So.... I began to look at myself, not necessarily a pleasant task...

Why was I not worth while?

My husband was (and still does many times) constantly telling me to take time for myself. Why did I not listen? By putting myself on the back burner, I was in essence, telling my husband his words were not important. By not taking time for myself, I was stressed, tense and ill tempered. So, by putting myself last, I was giving my kids the worst of me instead of the best of me. And... I was not being fair to myself. I was not enjoying life, just merely walking through the motions.

What did I enjoy? What gave me peace? (For someone who had completely forgotten themselves, these were not easy questions....)

I have always been an outdoors type person. I have always felt a peace when

surrounded by God's beauty. I had been a studio photographer for over 13 years.

I always appreciated nature photos. (I would sometimes browse calendars just

to see the pictures) I liked to take pictures when I was younger... I had a 110mm

camera and would fancy myself a photographer....

Disjointed thoughts... but suddenly I knew... I just KNEW. I wanted to take up photography! But, I wanted to do something different than the studio type photography I had done for many years. I wanted to showcase God's beauty surrounding me. I wanted others to feel the peace, joy, comfort, etc... that I felt when surrounded by nature.

After sharing with my husband, he was all for the idea. I spent a lot of time researching budget cameras and finally made a choice. I was so excited! I will never forget the feeling of holding my camera... of taking that step towards a dream.

I have grown a lot in the last four years, and not just in my photography. I have come to understand that it is of utmost importance to keep yourself on that priority list, and while I sometimes (more often than I should) fall off the list, I listen when my amazing husband { he really is :-) } nudges me in the right direction. I am no longer lost... but fulfilled, happy and love photography!

*** In retrospect, I should have posted this blog first, as an into of sorts.

Well... I guess better late than never, right? :-) ***

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