Light at the end of the tunnel...

In my last blog {When life gives you lemons...} I spoke of life being difficult, in what has seemed an endless procession of "what now?... again?... why us?... and ...God, I don't think I can handle anymore..." situations. It seems that we are finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, in finding this light... the end of some of our struggles and the excitement of looking ahead to new and better... comes the bitter sweet ending to a beautiful chapter of our lives. While this chapter has held some of the most difficult times of my life, it has also held some of the most precious memories and moments as well. As we say farewell to the home we have had for nearly 7 years; where I said goodbye to my Dad as God welcomed him home, where my kids have grown to the edge of "young adults", where I first began my photographic journey and fell in love with nature all over again, where my husband and I have built an ever stronger life together, where there are more memories than I could write in a book and we are surrounded by trees, land and animals to calm the soul..... we look forward to a new home with new possibilities and new memories.... new jobs for both my husband and myself, a new community and new dreams and plans for our future.. Leaving the known and the loved is beyond difficult, but sometimes, in order to find the light at the end of the tunnel... that is what God calls us to do.