When life gives you lemons.... take a picture

Whoo! The last couple years have been really rough and 2017 isn't starting out any better. I am a firm believer in looking for the positive and trusting in The Lord. But I will be the first to admit that sometimes finding the positive seems nearly impossible and... though I hate to admit it.... my trust has faltered at times. I am naturally a positive person though and I do believe that God has blessed me with a talent... a talent that I both feel compelled and blessed to share with others. I find my outlet in nature. I walk out my front door and let the air wash over me.... the sounds of nature calm me. I am blessed to live in the country where it is not unusual to see deer, wild bunnies, coyotes.... and hear any number of birds. I am surrounded by trees. I get to watch the clouds go by during the day and at night I can look up and see a multitude of stars. These are like balms to a wounded heart. I can grab my camera and take a tour of my yard... paying attention to the small details and getting lost in the wonder of God's creation... or stand in awe of the beauty that surrounds me. All this to say... when you are feeling overwhelmed, burdened and lost... take a breath and view the beauty that surrounds you... let the peace envelope you... and find something to enjoy. When life hands you lemons....