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What makes you a photographer?

What is it that makes you a photographer? Is it a fancy camera?.... or any camera for that matter? An expensive editing program? Getting up extra early or staying out past bedtime for those "golden hour" shots? Is it understanding the "rule of thirds"? How about throwing around that photographer jargon? ;-)

While it is true that a nice DSLR is great to take pictures with..... it doesn't make you a photographer. I have taken amazing photos on cell phones, point and shoots and a DSLR. I don't use a high price editing program.... in fact the program I use is FREE. I have shot in the early morning and late evening. I have gotten the photography rules down... as well as when to break said rules... and yes, I do understand "golden hour, rule of thirds, ISO, aperture", etc. But guess what? None of that makes me a photographer.

Sooooo..... what does? Heart. Let me say that again. Heart. The joy of photographing memories, of capturing a scene that brings emotion to others. The delight in sharing that joy and the absolute peace that being in nature brings to me.

Don't get me wrong... I am excited beyond measure when I capture an amazing shot. I practice, practice, practice and I love that I have a camera that allows me more freedom and creativity. But,in all honesty, if I did not enjoy what I was doing, then.what would really be the point? To prove I am the best? Nah, there will always be someone... many someones I am sure... that are better than I am.. and I am ok with that. There will always be bigger cameras, better photographers, new.... (fill in the blank) But there will only be one me and what I do and how I share my heart is what makes me a photographer.

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